RGVA Publications

By clicking on the respective person you can access her/his list of publications sorted by the respective criterion

Former Members

How to add a reference?

To add a new reference please edit the va.bib file and send a pull request. Please add your entries under a comment with your name so that we know who added which bib entry.

Please unify the references (delete Proceedings of, add publisher, add pages, etc.) according to this wiki page.

Please make sure that your entries always contain the year information as otherwise the website will not compile properly.

You can add award_de and award_en to you paper to indicate awards (comma-separated):

  author = {Author et al.},
  title  = {The title of this work},
  award_de = {Best Paper Award, Spotlight Session},
  award_en = {Best Paper Award, Spotlight Session},

You can indicate that the paper is accepted for publication by adding the status = {unpublished} to your bibtex entry:

  author = {Author et al.},
  title  = {The title of this work},
  status = {unpublished},

You can exclude a reference from beeing printed for the work from the whole group by adding the status = {exclude} to your bibtex entry:

  author = {Author et al.},
  title  = {The title of this work},
  status = {exclude},

This is useful for works that you want to be visible on your profile page but that were created outside the group.