Dr. Arthur Brack

Publications in reversed chronological order. Generated by jekyll-scholar.

Number of publications: 8


  1. [1]
    A. Brack, E. Entrup, M. Stamatakis, P. Buschermöhle, A. Hoppe, and R. Ewerth:
    Sequential sentence classification in research papers using cross-domain multi-task learning
    International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2024.


  1. [1]
    A. Brack, A. Hoppe, M. Stocker, S. Auer, and R. Ewerth:
    Analysing the requirements for an Open Research Knowledge Graph: use cases, quality requirements, and construction strategies
    International Journal on Digital Libraries, 23(1), pp. 33–55, 2022.
  2. [2]
    A. Brack, A. Hoppe, P. Buschermöhle, and R. Ewerth:
    Cross-domain multi-task learning for sequential sentence classification in research papers
    In: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2022, Cologne, Germany, June 20 - 24, 2022, pp. 34. ACM, 2022.
    Best Student Paper Award


  1. [1]
    A. Brack, D. U. Müller, A. Hoppe, and R. Ewerth:
    Coreference Resolution in Research Papers from Multiple Domains
    In: European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021, Virtual Event, March 28 - April 1, 2021, pp. 79–97. Springer, 2021.
  2. [2]
    A. Brack, A. Hoppe, and R. Ewerth:
    Citation Recommendation for Research Papers via Knowledge Graphs
    In: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2021, Virtual Event, September 13-17, 2021, pp. 165–174. Springer, 2021.


  1. [1]
    A. Brack, J. D’Souza, A. Hoppe, S. Auer, and R. Ewerth:
    Domain-Independent Extraction of Scientific Concepts from Research Articles
    In: European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020, pp. 251–266. Springer, 2020.
  2. [2]
    A. Brack, A. Hoppe, M. Stocker, S. Auer, and R. Ewerth:
    Requirements Analysis for an Open Research Knowledge Graph
    In: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2020, Lyon, France, August 25-27, 2020, pp. 3–18. Springer, 2020.
  3. [3]
    J. D’Souza, A. Hoppe, A. Brack, M. Y. Jaradeh, S. Auer, and R. Ewerth:
    The STEM-ECR Dataset: Grounding Scientific Entity References in STEM Scholarly Content to Authoritative Encyclopedic and Lexicographic Sources
    In: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2020, Marseille, France, May 11-16, 2020, pp. 2192–2203. European Language Resources Association, 2020.