IPCC Begriffe

solar energy

Energy derived from sunlight using technologies like photovoltaic cells or solar thermal systems.

solar radiation

Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, influencing Earth’s climate and weather patterns.

solar radiation modification

Intentional modification of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface to mitigate climate change impacts.

solubility pump

The process by which carbon dioxide dissolves in ocean surface waters and is transported to deeper layers.

solution space

The range of possible solutions or strategies available to address a problem or challenge.


The origin or cause of emissions or pollutants released into the atmosphere.

south american monsoon

A monsoon affecting South America, characterized by seasonal wind and precipitation patterns.

south pacific convergence zone

A convergence zone in the South Pacific Ocean influencing climate and weather patterns.

south and south east asian monsoon

Monsoonal weather patterns affecting South and Southeast Asia, influencing regional climate and agriculture.

southern annular mode

Variability in atmospheric circulation influencing weather and climate in the Southern Hemisphere.

southern ocean

The ocean surrounding Antarctica, playing a crucial role in global climate and ocean circulation.

specific humidity

The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere relative to air temperature and pressure.

stadial or stade

A cold period during an interglacial period, affecting climate and ecosystems.


A defined standard or level used for comparison or evaluation in scientific studies.

storm surge

An abnormal rise in sea level along coastlines due to weather events like storms or hurricanes.

storm tracks

Storm tracks are designated pathways in the atmosphere where storms develop and move, influenced by global wind patterns and atmospheric pressure systems, impacting regional weather and climate patterns.


Long-term paths or trajectories of development, change, or events in a narrative.

stranded assets

Assets losing value or becoming obsolete due to climate change impacts or policy changes.


The layering of water columns based on temperature and salinity, influencing marine ecosystems.


The layer of Earth’s atmosphere above the troposphere, containing the ozone layer and influencing climate.

stratosphere–troposphere exchange

The exchange of air and substances between the stratosphere and troposphere, affecting atmospheric composition.

stratospheric aerosol injection

Injecting aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and cool the Earth’s surface.

stratospheric ozone

The protective layer of ozone in the stratosphere, absorbing most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet

stratospheric polar vortex

A persistent wind pattern in the stratosphere over the polar regions.

stratospheric sounding unit

Instruments measuring atmospheric conditions in the stratosphere.


The flow of water in rivers and streams.


Factors or pressures causing stress or strain on systems or individuals.


The process of one tectonic plate moving under another.

subnational actors

Subnational entities such as states or provinces with political power or influence.

sudden stratospheric warming

Rapid warming events in the stratosphere disrupting polar vortex patterns.


Meeting basic needs without exceeding environmental limits.

sulphur hexafluoride

A potent greenhouse gas used in electrical transmission equipment.


Dark spots on the sun’s surface linked to solar activity and climate.

supply-side measures

Measures targeting the production or supply of goods and services.

surface mass balance

The balance between accumulation and loss of snow and ice on Earth’s surface.


Unexpected events or outcomes impacting climate or ecosystems.


The capacity to endure and thrive without compromising future generations.

sustainable development goals

Global objectives for sustainable development adopted by the United Nations.

sustainable development

Development that meets present needs without compromising future generations.

sustainable development pathways

Pathways guiding development towards sustainability and resilience.

sustainable forest management

The responsible use and conservation of forests to meet current and future needs.

sustainable intensification

Practices aiming to increase agricultural productivity without degrading resources.

sustainable land management

Practices ensuring sustainable use and conservation of land resources.


Associated with or occurring in sea ice habitats.

systems of innovation

Systems promoting the development and adoption of new technologies and practices.

technology deployment

The process of introducing and using new technologies in various sectors.

technology diffusion

The spread and adoption of technologies across different regions or sectors.

technology transfer

The transfer of technologies from one entity or region to another.


A large-scale atmospheric interaction linking distant regions.

teleconnection pattern

Patterns in teleconnections affecting weather and climate.

temperature overshoot

A temporary increase in global temperatures above desired targets.

terrestrial radiation

Radiation emitted by Earth’s surface into the atmosphere.


A boundary separating warm surface water from cold deep water in oceans.


Thawing of ice-rich permafrost leading to land subsidence and landscape changes.

thermosteric sea level change

Changes in sea level due to variations in water temperature.

tide gauge

An instrument measuring sea level changes relative to a fixed point on land.


A classification or level within a system or framework.

time of emergence

The time when a climate signal emerges from natural variability.

tipping element

Climate elements with the potential to cause abrupt and irreversible shifts.

tipping point

A critical threshold in a system triggering irreversible changes.

top-of-atmosphere energy budget

The balance of incoming and outgoing energy at the top of Earth’s atmosphere.

total alkalinity

The measure of all dissolved bases in seawater.

total carbon budget

The total amount of carbon stored or emitted within a specified system.

total solar irradiance

The total solar power received per unit area at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere.

total water level

The combined level of ocean, tidal, and storm surge water height.


A situation where one thing must be decreased to increase another.

traditional biomass

Biomass obtained from traditional practices like wood or charcoal burning.


Fundamental and irreversible changes in social, economic, and ecological systems.

transformation pathways

Pathways guiding societal transformations towards sustainability.

transformational adaptation

Fundamental changes in societal structures and norms towards sustainability and resilience.

transformative change

The equilibrium global surface temperature increase after doubling CO2 concentration.

transient climate response

The temperature increase caused by cumulative CO2 emissions over time.

transient climate response to cumulative co2 emissions

A shift from one state to another, like from fossil fuels to renewable energy.


The line on mountains marking the transition from tree growth to no trees.

tree line

Annual growth rings in tree trunks used to study past climates.

tree rings

Uncertainty associated with estimates of trends over time.

trend estimates uncertainty

Variability in Atlantic Ocean conditions affecting climate in tropical regions.

tropical atlantic variability

A rotating storm system with low-pressure centers and strong winds.

tropical cyclone

The boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.


The lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere, where weather occurs.


Ozone found in the troposphere, influencing air quality and climate.

tropospheric ozone

Large ocean waves caused by seismic activity or underwater eruptions.


The average time a substance remains in a reservoir before being replaced.

turnover time

Regions classified by similar characteristics, such as climate and vegetation.

typological regions

Lack of certainty or predictability about the future state of the climate system.

united nations convention to combat desertification

An international treaty addressing climate change, adopted in 1992.

united nations framework convention on climate change

The absorption or assimilation of a substance by another.


Areas where cold, nutrient-rich water rises towards the ocean surface.

upwelling region

Systems of cities interconnected by economic and social activities.

urban systems

Characteristics related to cities, including population density and infrastructure.


Agricultural practices within urban and surrounding areas.

urban and peri-urban agriculture

The phenomenon where urban areas are significantly warmer than rural areas.

urban heat island

The process of urban growth and expansion.


The process of urban growth and expansion.


Core principles and convictions shaping individual and collective behavior.

vector-borne disease

The exchange of air between indoors and outdoors.


Confirmation that actions or processes meet specified criteria or standards.


Vertical movement of land relative to sea level.

vertical land motion

Halogenated substances with short atmospheric lifetimes.

very short-lived halogenated substances

Organic chemicals that can easily vaporize into the atmosphere.

volatile organic compounds

The susceptibility of a system to harm from exposure to stresses or hazards.


An index assessing the susceptibility of a system to harm from hazards.

vulnerability index

A system of atmospheric circulation influencing weather patterns.

water-borne diseases

The continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.

water cycle

A body of water with uniform temperature and salinity.

water mass

The availability of reliable access to sufficient quantities of clean water.

water security

The efficiency of water use in achieving desired outcomes.

water-use efficiency

The increase in sea level due to wind stress and pressure differences.

wave setup

The breakdown of rocks and minerals by chemical, physical, and biological processes.


The state of being healthy, happy, and prosperous.


Gases like carbon dioxide that remain in the atmosphere for a long time, causing warming.

well-mixed greenhouse gas

A monsoon affecting West Africa, characterized by seasonal wind and precipitation patterns.

west african monsoon

Areas of land saturated with water, like swamps and marshes.


Energy generated from wind using turbines.

wind energy

A period of abrupt cooling during the Pleistocene Epoch.

younger dryas

The commitment to eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions.

zero emissions commitment

The displacement of people from their homes or communities.


The evaluation of potential impacts, positive or negative, of a project or policy.


The process of removing snow, ice, or rock from a glacier or other frozen body by melting, sublimation, or calving.

acceptability of policy or system change

The degree to which proposed policies or changes in systems are considered favorable or acceptable by stakeholders and the general public.

active layer

The layer of ground that is subject to annual freeze-thaw cycles in permafrost regions, affecting soil structure and ecosystem processes.


The establishment of forests in areas where there were no previous tree cover, as a method of carbon sequestration and environmental restoration.

air mass

A large body of air with uniform temperature and humidity characteristics.


The measurement of changes in surface height, often used in monitoring sea level and ice sheet dynamics.

apparent hydrological sensitivity

The apparent sensitivity of a hydrological system to changes in climate or other environmental conditions.

arctic oscillation

A climate pattern characterized by shifting atmospheric pressure and temperature patterns in the Arctic, affecting global weather.

arid zone

A climate zone characterized by very low precipitation and high evaporation rates, leading to desert-like conditions.

artificial ocean upwelling

A geoengineering technique that involves bringing nutrient-rich deep ocean water to the surface to stimulate marine productivity and carbon sequestration.

australian and maritime continent monsoon

A monsoon system affecting Australia and surrounding regions, characterized by seasonal changes in wind and precipitation patterns.

behavioural change

Changes in individual or collective behavior in response to environmental, social, or economic factors.

blue carbon

Carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems, such as mangroves and seagrasses, contributing to climate mitigation.

brewer–dobson circulation

A large-scale atmospheric circulation pattern that influences the distribution of ozone and other trace gases.


biennial update report

co2 equivalent emission

A metric that expresses the impact of greenhouse gases in terms of the equivalent amount of CO2 that would produce the same effect.


The process by which marine organisms, such as corals and mollusks, build calcium carbonate structures.

carbon budget

The balance of carbon dioxide emissions and removals (e.g., through sinks like forests) in a specified region or system.


The area of land that collects and channels rainfall or snowmelt into streams, rivers, and lakes.

cenozoic era

The geological era spanning from 66 million years ago to the present, characterized by the dominance of mammals and birds.


Describes a system that is highly sensitive to initial conditions, making long-term predictions difficult.

cosmogenic radioisotopes

Radioactive isotopes produced by cosmic rays interacting with the atmosphere or other substances, used for dating geological and archaeological materials.

dead zones

Oxygen-depleted zones in oceans, caused by excessive nutrient pollution, leading to marine life depletion.


The degradation of land in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas due to various factors including climate change.


Microscopic algae that play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems and carbon cycling.


Factors or phenomena that drive changes in environmental or climatic conditions.

early eocene climatic optimum

A warm period during the early Eocene epoch, characterized by elevated global temperatures and reduced polar ice.

east asian monsoon

The seasonal wind pattern affecting East Asia, bringing heavy rainfall and influencing regional climate.

economic potential

The potential economic benefits or opportunities associated with climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

effective equilibrium climate sensitivity

The equilibrium climate sensitivity considering the effects of feedback mechanisms over time.

enabling conditions

Conditions and factors that facilitate or support the implementation of policies or technologies.


The moral principles and considerations guiding decisions and actions related to climate change.


A concept of well-being and flourishing that emphasizes human potential and fulfillment.


The process by which water changes from liquid to vapor, driven by solar radiation.


The quality of being just, equitable, or impartial in distribution or treatment.


The suitability of a product, service, or system to meet specific needs or purposes.

free atmosphere

The part of the atmosphere above the planetary boundary layer where weather phenomena occur.

gini coefficient

A measure of income distribution within a population, indicating inequality.


The suitability of an environment for human habitation, influenced by factors like climate, resources, and infrastructure.

ice age

Periods of long-term cooling or warming of Earth’s climate, marked by glaciations or interglacial periods.

isostatic or isostasy

Equilibrium in Earth’s crust where buoyancy forces stabilize vertical movements.


A geostatistical method for interpolating spatial data points based on nearby values.

lapse rate

The rate at which atmospheric temperature decreases with altitude under specific atmospheric conditions.

lifecycle assessment

Assessment of the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its lifecycle.

light-absorbing particles

Particles absorbing sunlight in the atmosphere, contributing to warming.

madden–julian oscillation

A tropical climate oscillation affecting weather patterns and precipitation in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

marine cloud brightening

A geoengineering concept aiming to increase cloud reflectivity to cool the planet.

material substitution

Substituting one material for another to reduce environmental impact.

mean sea level

multilateral environmental agreement

meltwater pulse 1a

A rapid rise in global sea levels around 14,000 years ago due to melting ice sheets.

meridional overturning circulation

The overturning circulation of water masses in the world’s oceans, affecting climate and ecosystems.


The climate conditions of a small-scale or localized area, differing from the surrounding region.

near-surface permafrost

Permanently frozen soil near Earth’s surface, crucial for ecosystem stability in polar regions.

pacific decadal oscillation


Land used for grazing livestock, influencing carbon storage and biodiversity.


The study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena in plants and animals.

primary energy

Energy from sources before conversion or transformation, such as coal or solar radiation.


A method combining historical data with models to create consistent datasets for climate analysis.

regenerative agriculture

Agricultural practices enhancing ecosystem health and soil fertility while sequestering carbon.

rock glacier

A type of glacier containing significant amounts of rock debris, affecting movement and dynamics.

sampling uncertainty

Uncertainty associated with the representativeness of sampled data.

scenario storyline

A plausible and internally consistent description of a potential future state or development.

sea ice area

The total area covered by sea ice within a given region.

semi-arid zone

A region receiving low annual precipitation, prone to drought and desertification.

service provisioning

The ability of ecosystems to provide resources and services to support human well-being.

shared socio-economic pathways

A set of future socio-economic scenarios used in climate change impact assessments.

shelf seas

Coastal seas extending from the shoreline to the continental shelf, rich in marine life.

significant wave height

The average height of the highest third of waves in a given time period.

small island developing states

Small island nations facing unique vulnerabilities to climate change impacts.

smart grids

Electrical grids incorporating digital technology to optimize energy distribution and consumption.

social cost of carbon

The economic cost imposed by carbon emissions, accounting for damages caused by climate change.

soil carbon sequestration

The process of storing carbon in soils through improved land management practices.

spatial and temporal scales

The spatial and temporal dimensions over which phenomena or processes occur.

spill-over effect

The unintended spread or transfer of effects from one area to another.

steric sea level change

Changes in sea level due to thermal expansion, affecting coastal ecosystems and communities.

surface energy budget

The balance between incoming and outgoing energy at Earth’s surface.


The rush of seawater up a beach after a wave breaks.


A layer of unfrozen ground surrounded by permafrost.

technical potential

The maximum achievable level of technology adoption under ideal conditions.

trace gas

Gases present in trace amounts in the atmosphere, influencing climate.


Cold, treeless plains in the Arctic and Antarctic.


An international treaty combating desertification, adopted in 1994.

values and beliefs

Renewable energy sources that fluctuate based on natural factors like wind and sunlight.

variable renewable energy

Diseases transmitted by vectors such as mosquitoes or ticks.

walker circulation

Diseases transmitted through contaminated water sources.

impact assessment

A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance.