FAIR-ifying R Software: Figures

Variables as Sticky Notes

Creating Another Variable

Updating a Variable

Operations Across Axes

plot of chunk plot-avg-inflammation

plot of chunk plot-max-inflammation

plot of chunk plot-min-inflammation

plot of chunk inflammation-01

plot of chunk inflammation-01

plot of chunk inflammation-01

plot of chunk inflammation-02

plot of chunk inflammation-02

plot of chunk inflammation-02

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

plot of chunk loop-analyze

Executing a Conditional

plot of chunk using-conditions-01

plot of chunk using-conditions-01

plot of chunk conditional-challenge-hist

plot of chunk conditional-challenge-hist

plot of chunk conditional-challenge-hist

plot of chunk inflammation-01

plot of chunk inflammation-01

plot of chunk inflammation-01

plot of chunk logical_vectors_indexing2

csv written without row.names argument

csv written with row.names argument

csv written with -9999 as NA

plot of chunk reordering-factors

plot of chunk gender-counts

plot of chunk updating-factors

plot of chunk dropping-levels

plot of chunk adjusting-levels

Call Stack (Initial State)

Call Stack Immediately After First Function Call

Call Stack During First Nested Function Call

Call Stack After Return From First Nested Function Call

Call Stack During Call to Second Nested Function

Call Stack After Second Nested Function Returns

Call Stack After All Functions Have Finished