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Enum: Review Process Type

The possible values for the metric that describes the review process undertaken by the organizers of an academic event.

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
double-blind peer review None The reviewers do not know who the authors of the manuscript are
single-blind peer review None The reviewers know who is the authors of the manuscript are
open peer review None The reviewers know who is the authors of the manuscript are
post-publication peer review None There is a plattform on which the manuscript is being reviewed after its publ...
transparent peer review None The authors' identity is known to the reviewers but the reviewers' identity i...
collaborative peer review None The authors and reviewers discuss together how the manuscript can be improved...
cascading peer review None If the manuscript has been reviewd but the editors reject it and refer to sub...

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name: ReviewProcessType
description: The possible values for the metric that describes the review process
  undertaken by the organizers of an academic event.
title: Review Process Type
rank: 1000
  double-blind peer review:
    text: double-blind peer review
    description: The reviewers do not know who the authors of the manuscript are.
      And the authors do not know who the reviewers are either.
  single-blind peer review:
    text: single-blind peer review
    description: The reviewers know who is the authors of the manuscript are. But
      the authors do not know who the reviewers are.
  open peer review:
    text: open peer review
    description: The reviewers know who is the authors of the manuscript are. Abd
      the authors know who the reviewers are.
  post-publication peer review:
    text: post-publication peer review
    description: There is a plattform on which the manuscript is being reviewed after
      its publication.
  transparent peer review:
    text: transparent peer review
    description: The authors' identity is known to the reviewers but the reviewers'
      identity is only made public if the reviewers give their consent to reveal their
  collaborative peer review:
    text: collaborative peer review
    description: The authors and reviewers discuss together how the manuscript can
      be improved, whereas the reviewers identity is concealed and can be unvealed
      upon publication.
  cascading peer review:
    text: cascading peer review
    description: If the manuscript has been reviewd but the editors reject it and
      refer to submit it elsewhere alongn with the review.
    - waterfall peer review