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Enum: Event Status

The status of the academic event which indicates if it takes place as planned.

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
as scheduled None Default: used to indicate that the event takes place as planned
postponed None Used to indicate that the event has been postponed to a later date
canceled None Used to indicate that the event has been canceled
to be confirmed None Used to indicate that the provided Event Start and Event End values are not y...

LinkML Source

name: EventStatus
description: The status of the academic event which indicates if it takes place as
title: Event Status
rank: 1000
  as scheduled:
    text: as scheduled
    description: 'Default: used to indicate that the event takes place as planned.'
    text: postponed
    description: Used to indicate that the event has been postponed to a later date.
    text: canceled
    description: Used to indicate that the event has been canceled.
  to be confirmed:
    text: to be confirmed
    description: Used to indicate that the provided Event Start and Event End values
      are not yet officially confirmed.