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ConfIDent Metadata Schema

This is a schema for the ConfIDent project that describes the necessary metadata requirements of academic events and event series.


Version: 0.5.0


Class Description
Academic Field An academic field is the scientific subject of an event or event series accor...
Attendee A person whose only role it is to attend an academic event
City The city in which an academic event takes place
Committee Chair The head of an academic event committee
Committee Member A members of an academic event committee
ConfIDent Records A container to be able to bundle academic event data and series in one data f...
Contact Person The contact person of an academic event or event series
Context A container to provide extra information, such as call of papers event descri...
Contributor A contributor is a person or organization that holds a contributor role which...
Country The country in which an academic event takes place
DBLP ID The identifier of an academic event or series in dblp
Deadline A container for event deadlines
Digital Object Identifier A centrally registered identifier symbol used to uniquely identify digital ob...
Event An academic event is part of the established instruments of science communica...
Event Format An academic event format specification is a plan specification that classifie...
Event Series An academic event series describes the set of academic events which take plac...
External ID An identifer of an entity declared in another schema
GND ID The identifier of a thing (item) in the German National authority file
Keynote Speaker A 'keynote speaker' is a presenter that is an invited person - often a multip...
Location A container for the information about the location in which an academic event...
Metric A container for statistical information about an event or event series
Moderator A person that has the role to moderate an academic event
Named Thing A mixin used to provide the attributes needed for the identification of a thi...
Organizer An organizer of an academic event or event series
Presenter A person that presents its work at an academic event
Publication A published work, e
Region The region in which an academic event takes place
Reviewer A person that has the role to review the submissions of an academic event
Schema Based Thing A mixin used in classes that contain schema based values, such as the classif...
Sponsor A person or an organization whose role it is to sponsor an academic event or ...
TIBKAT ID The identifier of a publication in the TIB catalog that references an event o...
Venue The venue at which an academic event takes place
WikiCFP Event ID The identifier of an academic event or series in WikiCFP
WikiCFP Series ID The identifier of an academic event or series in WikiCFP
Wikidata ID The identifier of a thing (item) in Wikidata


Slot Description
Academic Field A property to describe the scientific subject(s) of an event or event series,...
Alternative Name A property to provide alternative names of an event or event series
Location The location of the academic event
Colocated With A relation to be used to link a series or event to one or more other series o...
Contact The contact person of an academic event or event series
Context Information A property to provide extra information, such as call of papers summary, eve...
Deadline Date The date of a deadline
Other Deadline Type A property to specify another type of deadline, if this type of deadline is n...
Metric Description A property to provide a description of a metric
DBLP ID A property to link the an event or event series with its DBLP identifier
Email The email address of the contact person
End Date Similar to start_date but only for the end of an academic event or event seri...
Event Format A property to provide an event format specification, if none of the [Event Ty...
Event Mode The event mode describes whether the event is a physical, virtual or hybrid e...
Event Status A property to provide the status of an event from a controlled list (e
Events A property to provide a list of academic events within this container
External ID A property to provide an external id of a schema entity
Former Name The former official name of an academic event or series
GND ID A property to link an entity to the authority file of the German National Lib...
Acronym The official acronym of an event or event series
City The property to specify the [City](City
Country The property to specify the [Country](Country
Deadline A property to provide a deadline of an academic event
DOI A property to provide a digital object identifier (DOI) according to https://...
Metric A property to provide one or more metrics of an event or event series
Publication The published works that are related to the event or event series, such as pr...
Region The property to specify the [Region](Region
Topic A property to provide the theme and topics of an event or event series as fre...
Has Umbrella A relation to be used to link an event or series to its hosting superordinate...
Venue The property to specify the [Venue](Venue
ID A property to provide an internal id of a schema entity in the ConfIDent plat...
In Series The relation used to provide the series of which an Event is a part
Metric Integer Value A property to provide an integer value for a metric
Joint Venture With A relation to be used to link a series or event to one or more other series o...
Landing Page A property to provide the website to which a persistent identifier is resolvi...
Lattitude The property to specify the lattitude of an academic event location
Context License The license of the context information as text, which must be used when copyi...
Context License URL The license of the context information as URL, which should be used when copy...
Longitude The property to specify the longitude of an academic event location
Meeting URL The property to specify the URL under which a one can participate virtually i...
Metric Year A property to provide the year for which the metric value is valid
Name A property to provide a name of a schema entity
Official Name The official name of an event or event series
Ordinal The ordnial number of an academic event within its series
Organizer A property to provide the organizers of an event or event series
Other Event Format A mandatory property to provide the format of an academic event as string, in...
Metric Rate Value A property to provide a rate value as float for a metric
External formatter URI The base URI of the schema that provides the context for the schema based val...
Schema Name A property to provide the name of a schema
Schema Value A property to provide the literal value of a schema based entity
Series A property to provide a list of academic event series within this container
Series Of A property to link to the events that are part of an academic event series
Sponsor A property to provide the sponsor of an event or event series
Start Date The start date of an academic event or event series
Metric String Value A property to provide a string value for a metric
Street The street of the venue including the house number seperated by comma
Subevent Of A relation used to link the an event part (e
Superevent Of A relation used to link the an superordinate event (e
Telephone The telephone number of the contact person
Context Description The free text used to provide more context information on an event or event s...
TIBKAT ID A property to link to a publication indexed in the TIB catalouge that referen...
Translated Name A translation of the official name of an event or event series to be used in ...
Metric Truth Value A property to provide a truth value for a metric
Type An abstract property that is reused in certain classes to differentiate their...
Umbrella Of A relation to be used to link an event or series that hosts several events or...
Official Website A property to provide the URL the official website of a event or event series
WikiCFP Event ID A property to link an event or event series with its WikiCFP identifier
WikiCFP Series ID A property to link an event or event series with its WikiCFP identifier
Wikidata ID A property to link an entity with its Wikidata identifier
ZIP Code The zip code of the venue


Enumeration Description
Contributor Type An enumaration used to distinguish the contributors of an event or event seri...
Deadline Type An enum that specifies the possible kinds of deadlines of an academic event
Event Mode An enum to specify if an academic event is in person, virtual or a hybrid of ...
Event Status The status of the academic event which indicates if it takes place as planned
Event Type The most common minimal event types
Metric Type The possible metric of an academic event
Review Process Type The possible values for the metric that describes the review process undertak...